Saturday, August 23, 2008

Race? Well...Sure...Why Not

So my friend Tyler stops by to say "hi" yesterday and told me there was a road race today that's about an hour away. I wasn't sure that I wanted to do it, being that I really haven't recovered from the long drive back from the midwest
But with a race that is so close to home I couldn't pass it up. I woke up at 5:30 to get over to Tyler and Ryan's to caravan up with Tracie, Barrett, while Paul rode with me. After a quick drive, we arrived in the picturesque city known as San Ardo. Now those of you that actually know about San Ardo get the joke.
So I register and get the new SLO Nexus kit on, and start to warm up. I began thinking about the first race I tried, Copperopolis, which totally sucked. Everyone just pinned it from the start. Well I was sure what to expect so I expected the worst. 
The time came and I hit the line, with all the other Cat 5's, ready to do battle. The whistle blew and off we went. To my surprise we went off slowly, it was a total turn around from the first one. 
Basically I was at the back for the first quarter of the lap, then I got a bit anxious and on a downhill turn I gave a quick burst and found myself in the top 10. That's pretty much where I stayed until the last uphill climb to the finish, when I popped and rolled to the lne in the back. I didn't care, I had a great time, with a smile on my face the entire time. Oh and I have say thanks to all the guys that offered me a bottle after I lost mine when I hit a huge pot hole. I was totally amazed at that. Glad to see sportsmanship isn't dead. 

1 comment:

Mike said...

OK your back up and running! Are you coming to the wedding (Oct 12th)?