Saturday, August 30, 2008

Long Day In The Saddle

After a great night out on the town with Barret, Paul, Ryan, and Tyler, there was talk about doing a ride that Barret likes to call the Triple Lindy. Now there are a lot of mountains around SLO, not the Rocky Mtn's, but climbs of 1500 feet or so with some steep 7% grades, so challenging of you put some of the rides together. 
So we met up at Tyler and Ryan's and took off for the more of the hottest part of the ride, Shooters, since it was supposed to get into the 80's today. This part of the ride takes the longest since it has the most distance out the ride. After a couple hours that part of the ride was over. Then it was back into town to refill the water bottles and then head off to the next climb up San Luis Mtn. or also known as "Madonna". We traversed the climb and got to the summit and relaxed for a bit before heading down to the next climb at Irish Hills. This is where the crappy part of the day came. Barret was on the inside of me going down Madonna and was in the really loose rocky stuff and slid his front tire out. Down he goes and slides about 25 feet or so, bikes ok, but he's scuffed up pretty good. So he calls it quit to head home to clean himself up.
Now it's down to Tyler, Ryan, and I. We Head over to Irish Hills and make what's probably the steepest part of the whole ride. To add to it, I'm about done at this point. We already had 3 plus hours in the saddle and I was ready to shower and just chill. To make it short, we made the climb and then high tailed it home. In all close to 5 hours on a mtn bike was awesome and the burrito afterwards was the best reward for it!

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