Thursday, July 31, 2008


So the riding in Duluth has been really good while I've been here. With the dry weather all the standing water has begun to evaporate, leaving a nice tacky trail to ride. I have a geat photo from some the stuff I've been riding on the Treo, but for some reason Blogger can't upload it, but it looks a lot like this shot from the race I tried on Sunday. 

With vacation days dwindling away before I head to Wisco for the annual drinking of the "Koolaid" as some have come to call it, I'm trying to get out and explore more of the trails that have been built since I moved. It's been fun running into old friends and getting out visiting others and seeing Duluth. I have yet to really get out to take some photos of what Duluth has to offer in the summer for sunsets, I plan on getting out tonight to try and do that.  I guess the biggest surprise has been the lack of mosquitos with all the rain Duluth has recieved this year, I was figuring that I would be attacked immediately, like I remember, if I stopped in the woods around here, but so far it's been bearable. Hopefully I didn't screw that up now that I said something about it. 

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