Thursday, January 1, 2009


With the New Year welcomed in with good friends and a few drinks it was time to head to bed and await a new ride for me on the road. Met everyone at one of the local coffee shops and then off we went.
It ended up being a pretty windy day going up the coast to Cambria. We stopped off at Cuyucous for a bathroom break and basically all but 4 decided to keep pushing onto to Santa Rita Creek Rd....this is one bitch of a ride. It's a 15 or 16 mile loop that has some of the steepest climbs around this area. It's a two step climb and the end of is known as "the wall". Yup, I can vouch for that, don't know how steep it is, but it was REALLY hard to turn over the 39/25 to get to the top. 
In all it was a 5 hour ride of 70 miles and lots of climbing. This is good for race season that starts the first weekend of Feb. Can't wait! 

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