Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Fast Lane

Today I had the rare opportunity of having a Sunday off from the demo job, so I made use of it and did a nice mountain ride for a few hours. I needed the peace as I had a rough time on he way back from Saratoga, Ca last night. I had a demo there, it was a great time really, hung out, got the bikes out and talked with James, the shop owner who I've become friends with. So I wrap up the demo and start heading back to SLO.
Nothing really exciting happened until I was about 60 miles north of SLO which is King City. I get pulled over by a commercial CHP, these guys are solely responsible for the big trucks and anything with a business logo pulling a trailer, i.e me. 
Now the speed limit for cars/trucks pulling a trailer is supposed to be 55mph, but the standard speed limit is 70mph. I know, I don't get it either. Well I do 70, because if I do 55 I get ran off the road, or the middle finger pops up.  Now I'm not upset about the speeding ticket, but the fact that officer said that the work car and trailer need to be registered in California instead of the respective states that the companies are located, Michigan for VW, and Wisconsin for Trek who owns the trailer. 
I have been through this rigamaroll last year when I got a ticket, I know, don't say it. I had to go to court to prove that the car/trailer didn't need to be registered in Ca because I don't own them and so on and the judge accepted that explanation. Well after I told the officer that, he said that the judge was wrong. REALLY? I think he should talk with the judge, I think he would have a different answer for him. But it is what it is. So part of my time off will be spent in lovely King City, in court. Happy Holiday's! 

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