Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Thought This Cali!?

Rain, rain, and more rain. That's what the last 6 days has been. I have been able to get out a few times, but today was the first time in the last 3 that it's been good enough to get out and not worry about fog. I still got wet today, but it was worth it. I was chomping at the bit to get outside. I get cabin fever so easily now that I live out here, you get used to taken the sun 350 days or so a year for granted. Then when it's rainy for a week, I go nuts.
The season for me starts January 30th, the first Crit of the year, Mothballs. I love this race, the course isn't techy at all, so it's going to come down to being patient and looking for opportunities to get away with some people. Not that that happens too much in my Cat. I'm still a lowly old 4, didn't really race enough last year to get an upgrade, but that's going to change this year. I have some good motivation to train and get my points. But it's time to show what I can do on a bike, show myself that is. A few more base rides and then it's time to get the top end going.

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