Saturday, December 6, 2008

Winter In California

Ahhhh....winter. I have to say that living in California has it's perks. The biggest one is when it's 12 degress back home in Duluth, MN, it's 70 here in San Luis Obispo. Not bad for an early December day. 
So with the weather so nice and the day off, I decided to take part in a group training ride put on here. It was a great way to get some more miles in and get ready for the upcoming season, now that I can get back on the race circut. it was a good 3 hrs, with a steady pace. Although I was over dressed, still have the mentality of the midwest on dressing for winter rides I guess.
I'm registered for classes now a the UWS Distance Learning Program, and am excited to get to work on finishing up my degree, 30 credits left, man what a day that will be when I'm done. It's taken long enough! I've been going to school for 13yrs on this, might be a record for the longest it's taken to finish a degree. But when I do, I believe that I would be the first person on my side of the family to get a college degree, that would be awesome, to say the least.
The new ob at CBO has been going well, although it's been wierd not being on the road, but it's been good to be around a lot more too. A more steady schedule has been a welcomed thing in my life. Thats the update.

1 comment:

Eric O. said...

Finals next week for me. I have 2 more classes before I complete my Associates in arts and science degree. After that its engineering core classes which will be another 3 years I'm guessing. Big storm on the way then below zero weather and strong winds roll in behind it. It made it up to a balmy 38degrees today and to think it will be -10 on monday isn't encouraging. I'm thinking of all the kids that won't get their car started to make it to finals on time. My grandma passed away today around noon. It wasn't unexpected, she died in her own bed at home which was what everyone wanted. Anyhow, enjoy your perfect riding weather while we freeze our toes off up here in the frozen north.