Saturday, August 15, 2009

I'm Still Here, Just Changing Gears

So it's been a looong time since I last posted on the blog. Well not too much has happened since then. I've been working and doing the normal rides and occasional races, with a few decent results for the road. No mtn. races to really speak of, although I'm tinkering with the last race of the US Cup series in San Dimas now that it's back in California.
So the real big news is that I was diagnosed with depression a few months back, and now I'm on the meds to help me out. It was a real process to get to where I felt "normal" again. For me it explained why I couldn't seem to get on top of anything, from riding to everyday life. So now that I have identified the issue I have been working to get better. That includes getting things set for next season, more mtn. than road for sure.
I have a new bike on the way too, the new Giant Anthem X Advanced with the SRAM XX and new SID fork, the bike should be tipping the scales art 23lbs. or so. That will give me a good push to get out and get some results. I'll be getting off the bike soon for some rest and cross train for the new season. So that's it for now, and hopefully I'll be posting more in the future.